Take a wild guess

…where i am. That’s right. Of course. After all where else would I be but at the good ol’ coffee shop. Which I love…even though they have raised their prises slightly. That’s just life. This past weekend was wild…and long. It only took about 13 hours of driving to get to Orlando (thanks to loosely enforced speed limits). And after finding Mike’s house at Pioneers, and finding Mike and his family suprised to see us, there was a little catching up on life and a lot of catching up on sleep. Saturday morning Mike gave us a quick tour of the property (its very beautiful) and then we headed over for a brief stop at Wycliffe before heading south to Lauderdale. Once we got to Lauderdale (and unable to get ahold of missionary pastor Dave Toro) we caught up with my old friend Sarah. Sarah worked for me a couple years ago at Word of Life. Simply put, she is the best van driver ever. We went to church with her Saturday evening at Calvary Chapel. This as got to be the most incredible church I have ever been to. While it is large it is still focused on the Word and fellowship. It was just awesome. And the pastor, Bob Coy, is a excellent preacher. Sunday morning Sarah showed me around Calvary (she drives a tram ferrying people around the huge parking lot) while my grandma joined Dave at his English speaking church in south Lauderdale. Tha afternoon I met her at the Spainish church, Iglesia Bautista Emanuel, in the north part of the city. After the service we headed north for the ling ride home. That evening we stopped at D J Hayashi, the best asian seafood I have ever had. Period. If you are ever down that way check it out. Monday was spent cruising back up I-95, I-26, I-77, I-64 and good ol’ US52…and back to home in time for a good nights rest before work Tuesday… All in all it was a tiring but also refreshing trip south.