Tuesday, we ventured across town to visit the offices of Kartidaya, an national Indonesian organization that is comparable to that of W. The ultimate goal and primary purpose of both groups are similar and the cultural and linguistic situation here affects both their work in similar ways. The main difference is that as a national organization their aim is to encourage and motivate Indonesians to become involved and to involve others mainly as consultants and trainers. Their work includes language development and literacy, community development and support of cultural workers. They also train Indonesians in linguistics and for literacy work here. Another aspect of their work is increasing B. awareness and use through conferences and seminars and training. During our visit we were able to tour their office and get to know some of the staff and the current class of students. Both the staff and students are from all over Ind., and the staff has many years of experience in their respective fields. It was a very interesting and informative day, and a great encouragement to see that Indonesians are becoming more and more involved with the work in their own country.