God is so amazing. For those of you who don’t already know, later today I will be departing for South East Asia for a short term trip. Called a “Discovery Trip”, it focuses on language, linguistics and translation, particularly in developing writing and literacy for peoples who languages are still completely oral. Its first hand exposure to the work done in the country. Much has led up to this point, and God has provided answers to many prayers already…even before leaving. Through the generosity of my church and some individuals, all of the financial needs have been taken care of completely. The wait for visa and tickets is over, both arrived this past Friday afternoon, in plenty of time for departure this evening. The leader of the trip is already in country making preparations for our arrival. It seems all is done, except for the actual going. All of the team, including myself, still very much need your prayers though. It is still a long journey (by today’s standards), hours in the air and a few connections in unfamiliar airports, so please pray for our travel there and back again. Please pray for our time there, that we will have wisdom and others will have patience with us, as we begin to learn a new land and culture. Pray for those there before us, whom we are coming to help and learn from. And pray for those nationals whom we come in contact with, that we can build good relationships and serve them effectively. Specifically, pray that we are able to show them Christ, to live it out for them, though we may not be able to openly proclaim it. The reason we go is to show them His Glory, in whatever way we are able, in light of the land we go to. Thank you again, for those of you who have been praying, and thank you all for the prayers to come.