This past Wednesday my church had a business meeting in which they decided to cover any financial needs for the trip to South East Asia that are not met by others. In other words whether $3000 or just $300 or whatever comes in from others, my church will support me for the balance. How incredible is that? God is so good. don’t let that keep ya from helping out though ;) In other news, I go to King’s Daughters Tuesday morning to find out about immunizations. I’ll try and contain my excitement.
edging closer
I’m sending out prayer letters today the old fashion way, and hopefully by email tomorrow. Wednesday night my church is supposed to vote on supporting the trip, so pray that goes well. That’s about all thats going on. Time to go to the UPS store…..
You gotta love details….and even a short term trip has many of them…. My initial prayer letter/ request for support is done. I’ll be mailing and emailing it out in the next few days. Look for it online here. And if you want on the list (or know anyone who might want to be), you can email or IM your address to me. My passport is at the post office waiting for me (it came back in one week, pretty amazing) And… This past Thursday night the “Ladies for Missions” group at my church allowed me to present my trip to them. I showed them a short video about Wycliffe (“The Power of the Word”), passed out some prayer letters and discussed the trip with them. Later that night, the group’s leader let me know they had decided to support the trip. Such a blessing. That’s all for now…..
Draft Prayer letter
Well things were a little slow getting started, but now the pace is picking up.
I met with my Pastor last week and am planning to meet with the Church board this Tuesday
to get their approval for the Missions Trip.
Take a look at the draft of my proposal/prayer letter here:
If they approve the trip, I’ll be sending out the final verison of this to pretty much everyone I can think of :)
If you happen upon this and want to be a part of the mailing list just post a comment or email me your name and address.
And the second…
I’ve been accepted to go on the South East Asia Discovery trip with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Pretty exciting stuff. So now I’m beginning to look at making preperations, lining everything up to be gone for 7 weeks. And getting ready to try and raise support and such. This will be my first missions trip and first time overseas so its all a little new for me. For political reasons we are not revealing where exactly we’re going, but most likely we’ll be spending some time learning the culture in the capital then some time in a village where translation and literacy work is going on, and then a time of wrap up before we return. When I know more I’ll post what I can.