Over the last couple of years (I can be slow), more and more it has become apparent to me that we as followers of Christ so often live our lives for the wrong reason. Oh, we do good…we serve Him…but our motives are corrupt. At least mine have been. We serve out of obligation, out of duty maybe even out of love…but often a love based on what God has done for us…or will do for us. We serve out of gratitude or out of guilt, out of spontaneous praise or time worn habit. But all of these motives fall short of the high calling we are led to serve. The only real reason to worship, to serve, to live and breathe is to glorify God. To bring Him and Him alone glory and honor. If our reasons for doing what we do , even if what we do is good or shiny or “religious”, is anything other than the furthering of God’s glory, the increasing of His renown, His reputation…then we have terribly missed the mark and all our effort is wasted, fit only for the dung heap.
Enough Wasted Time
Well maybe not entirely wasted, but certainly not focused towards a higher purpose or goal. So I am now seriously and prayerfully considering a life in missions. I suppose its about time, after all missions is why I started Bible college in the first place…but after a few turns in the road I seem to only now be finding my way back to the direction God gave me long ago. Funny how I like to wander.
Between my own reading and study, the influence of a few friends, and a growing dissatisfaction with how well I have lived so far I desire serve God abroad, wherever He would have me go. So I am looking at short term trips either this summer or perhaps in the fall.
I need the wisdom to follow the right road this time around, and not stumble of the path, as I often have in the past.
I stumbled out of bed…
looked out the window and it had snowed. really. finally. WOOHOO But then of course it melted in a couple of hours and it rained for hours more Somedays, I miss the mountains of upstate NY.
Time flies when you are not paying attention
January has just cruised right on by, with hardly a moment to reflect. Probably the best thing to happen to me lately is I have been able to start taking a class on missions called Perspectives. The first class was last Monday, and it was really, really good. The reading for the class is also solid, supporting the “lecture” but not just parroting it. The class is every Monday evening until May 8th, and is in Columbus (about 1 1/2 hour away) – making it a long trip, but definelty a worthwhile one. I also began teaching the adult Sunday school class at Grace this month. We’re winding our way through the book of Ephesians – hopefully I won’t bore them or spout any major heresies. that’s about all that’s new, though some cool stuff is on the way in February, March and May… But I don’t want to give that away now. If all goes well I’ll have a couple of more movie and book recommendations up soon….
Sad News
I found out earlier this afternoon that my beloved (mostly) alma mater Piedmont Bible College is shutting down its Missionary Aviation program over the next few years. Not only was this program instrumental in training many pilots and mechanics, but it was aviaton that led me to go to Bible College in the first place. Among other memories I have are the evenings I used to spend racing up and down the active runway on my motorcycle….when I was supposed to be making up hours…ah those were the days…