The good news about the end of Christian America | Washington Post
Link: The good news about the end of Christian America | Washington Post “In the spirit of great Christians like William Wilberforce, t...
Link: The good news about the end of Christian America | Washington Post “In the spirit of great Christians like William Wilberforce, t...
Link: Andrée Seu’s Tragic Mistake on the Gospel of Glenn Beck – Justin Taylor Dr. Mohler cuts through the hype and emotion on this.
Europe’s Irreligious | The Economist Religious attendance in Europe. The longer the bar the least attendance. (via The Economist)
Link: How Personal Idols Destroy Community “… idolatry—while at root a heart issue—not only affects the sinner but also the community. Idols dehuman...
ESV Bible + App (with ESV Study Bible) Now Available for iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad | ESV Bible Blog