From Megacity to “Metacity” |
Link: From Megacity to “Metacity” | “If the Christian church does not learn new modes of urban ministry, we will find ourselves on the ou...
Link: From Megacity to “Metacity” | “If the Christian church does not learn new modes of urban ministry, we will find ourselves on the ou...
Link: Dream Big and Dream Focused | TheResurgence 3 Things to Do If You Lack Direction Determine exactly what it is you want to achieve. Ask yourself what it wi...
Link: Parker Bros. To Sue Treasury for Infringement “Officials from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve Board and the United States S...
Link: Tribal priest in Ghana comes to Christ, frees sex slaves | Mission News “Sex slavery is rampant among tribal religions in Ghana. In a system commonl...
Link: An American family, an Indonesian tribe, an oral language and its first book | the world in words “In 1973 Sue (pictured) and Peter Westrum and thei...