Perspectives. It will ruin you for the ordinary
Perspectives. It will ruin you for the ordinary. (via @NationsBeGlad via @PerspectivesWCM)
Perspectives. It will ruin you for the ordinary. (via @NationsBeGlad via @PerspectivesWCM)
Trailer for a new movie about the 1040 Window. (via @NationsBeGlad via @MissionsLaunch)
(via Missions Launch)
“I was never called to be a missionary, nor was I drafted. I volunteered. No special call was needed. I chose to go; I wanted to go; I was compelled to go...
“Take two minutes and fly with Clive Gray, a missionary pilot in Papua, to visit the Bauzi language group. Climb aboard.” (via Wycliffe USA)