2010. It Might be a Long One

Over this long holiday weekend, I have been reading posts by various authors concerning the start of a new year, goals, life change, etc. I’ve posted links to some of my favorites and have been thinking on them quite a bit.

Two have really stuck in my mind: Don Miller’s post on the importance of story and Leo Babauta’s thoughts at 6changes.com.

There are many story arcs in my life. And my character has many roles. Christ-follower, husband, father, son and brother, friend, and man among them.

In the bigger story of my life, Helen and I are seeking to serve with an organization in Indonesia helping further bible translation.

In a smaller arc, we are going back there this year for a month to introduce Abigail to her family and to reconnect with our friends and partners there.

In light of these (and other) stories and roles I am prayerfully seeking to mold my life this year in the following 6 ways:

1. A serious, scheduled meditative time in the Scriptures everyday.
I have never been truly consistent at this and in the last year or so have gotten worse. And my life shows it.

2. A daily time of prayer, reading and worship with my wife
We have been on again off again with this, and with a young child times of quiet are rare. But H and I truly need this.

3. Intentional “Daddy time” with Abigail every day.
Not just feeding her or changing diapers, but talking, playing, reading or whatever that gives her joy (and me too).

4. Building (or rebuilding) the relationships between my brothers and I and our mother, grandmother and my dad’s side of the family.
Even before my dad passed away my brothers and I were headed to different parts of the country. And now it is hard to get together and feel like family. And since then relating to my dad’s siblings and my cousins, etc has been hard…but the truth is I haven’t sought to know them as I should.

5. Reconnecting with old friends.
For most of my teens on up to early thirties, I was semi nomadic. I lived in Ohio, then NC with summers in NY, the NC with weekends anywhere in the southeast, then back to NY and then back to Ohio and then a few summers in Indonesia. It has been awesome. The down side is that I have left behind friends at every turn that have often gone on to new places themselves. Now I literally have friends on every inhabited continent, in various nations and most every state. And most I haven’t seen in way too long and may not yet for longer still.

6. Loose 100 pounds and feel alive again.
Now it may take more than a year (and truth is all my goals probably will) but enough is enough.
I have seldom been trim. But through a combination of laziness, gluttony, convenience, craving, fatigue and whatever else I am well on my way to becoming twice the man I should be. And it has to end. Now. I can’t serve God with Helen in Indo if I can’t fit in the plane to fly there.
And it is sin.

And I need repentance and restoration.

I’ve laid this all ou here because that’s what we do these days. And as a reminder and a sort of digital accountability. If I see you next Chrstmas you should be able to call me on any of these and I shouldn’t squirm or dodge the questions.

It’s going to be a long year, but maybe one of the best yet.