Hey Everyone,
Thanks so much for your prayers this summer. I arrived in Cleveland yesterday around noon…just in time to make it to my brother’s wedding at 2PM. It was a wonderful wedding and there was an enjoyable reception afterwards…and now my brother and new sister in law are on their way to Jamaica for their honeymoon… Yesterday was also the first time in about three years when my brothers and I were in the same place at the same time…not that we don’t want to be…its just how life has worked out. It was so much fun to be together again. I’d like to share a couple of prayer requests with all of you. First, please pray for me in the short term, as it appears that i will be moving back to Ohio from Kentucky to work at a different office than I have been lately. This is good news as it puts me closer to my church and family, and hopefully will help me financially. Secondly, in the long term, please pray for me as I begin the process of applying to membership with Wycliffe Bible translators and begin to raise support to go back to Indonesia as part of the team there. Also, due to the cost and upkeep I’ll be moving the online posts of my updates from Typepad to a page on Blogger….here’s the link http://davegullett.blogspot.com Thanks again for your support this summer, and for keeping myself and the others on the trip in prayer,