Started reading through Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus, with my family this evening
Its a collection of Advent related writings from classic and contemporary theologians and preachers.
Tonight we read chapter 1, an excerpt from a sermon by George Whitefield; here’s a selection:
“Let me now conclude, my dear brethren, with a few words of exhortation, beseeching you to think of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Did Jesus come into the world to save us from death, and shall we spend no part of our time in conversing about our dear Jesus; shall we pay no regard to the birth of him, who came to redeem us from the worst of slavery, from that of sin, and the devil; and shall this Jesus not only be born on our account, but likewise die in our stead, and yet shall we be unmindful of him? Shall we spend our time in those things which are offensive to him? Shall we not rather do all we can to promote his glory, and act according to his command?
O my dear brethren, be found in the ways of God; let us not disturb our dear Redeemer by any irregular proceedings; and let me beseech you to strive to love, fear, honor and obey him, more than ever you have done yet; let not the devil engross your time, and that dear Savior who came into the world on your accounts, have so little.
O be not so ungrateful to him who has been so kind to you! What could the Lord Jesus Christ have done for you more than he has? Then do not abuse his mercy, but let your time be spent in thinking and talking of the love of Jesus, who was incarnate for us, who was born of a woman, and made under the law, to redeem us from the wrath to come.”
From “Observation of the Birth of Christ, the Duty of All Christians; Or the True Way of Keeping Christmas”
(Read the whole sermon here.)
For more on George Whitfield check out John Piper’s sermon about him at Desiring God.
You can also purchase the book at Amazon.