God in a Manger, Part 1: Jesus Is Lord

“Advent is my yearly reminder to brush up on Christology, the doctrine of the person of Christ. I’ve found it helpful to approach the subject under three headings:

  1. Jesus as Lord (fully divine)
  2. Jesus as Savior (fully human)
  3. Jesus as Treasure (one person)

So here’s part 1, with parts 2 and 3 on the way in the next couple days.

In this Christological triad (Lord-Savior-Treasure), Jesus’ Lordship is tied to his divinity and to him rightly being called Yahweh, the name surpassingly more excellent than angels (Heb. 1:4), the name above every name (Phil. 2:9). Here’s the connection between Lordship and the divine name.”

Read more.

by David Mathis @ Desiring God