Hari ini Rabu di Jakarta…

Today is Wednesday in Jakarta, and it is raining, well, its absolutely pouring. More rain than I have ever seen here. (Of course, during the rainy season it rains more than I can imagine.) And it brings (at least for me) a welcome break form the usual afternoon heat and smog.

This afternoon has been spent in class as the participants learn about telling time in Indonesian, as well as the days of the week. They are also working on basic sentence structure.

This morning they learned about the history of Indonesia and the religons practiced here.

Earlier this week they learned about the work done here at the office and around the country from some of the staff here.

They also began learning basic Indonesian such as greetings, directions, numbers and the alphabet.

A few of the team who weren’t feeling well are better, some of us (due to an unfortunate encounter with a yogurt drink) are belari ke kamar kecil sering. (I’ll let you figure it out) And our leader has gotten the flu..no doubt a present from one of we Americans. We love to share everything on Discovery.

Pray for us this weekend, for we may have the opportunity to visit a church in a nearby city and spend some time with college students from that church. Pray that we can be an encouragement to them and pray that we have safe travel and that all the details will be worked out.