It is unnerving to me how…

…I as a Christian and as an American can be so enthused and reverent and so calloused and cold. Last night I went to a David Crowder Band / Third Day concert at Cedarville. In a lot of ways it was an awesome experience. Jumping around and singing to the rocking praise songs of David Crowder was intense, it was moving, in a lot of ways it was worship and it flat wore me out. All that passion poured out to God by the band and the crowd was incredible. Really incredible. Then during the intermission one of the guys form Third Day came out and was talking to us about Uganda, and the plight of children there. Just a few days ago I caught a story on Relevant about this, and I couldn’t believe more hasn’t been brought to light about the evil that is going on there. (See here and here for more) How can I say I love God and desire to serve Him and do nothing? How can any of us? And maybe you’re thinking “C’mon, Dave, we can’t save the world from evil?” And I want to ask “Why not? If God is who he says He is and we are who He says we are, then why not?” Maybe each of us can’t do it alone — but, as part of a bigger effort — all of us can do something. It’s just not enough to sing and talk about compassion. It just isn’t. I spent the rest of the show sing at the top of my lungs with everyone else. Carried along by the powerful words and rhythms and melodies of Third Day. But all that volume couldn’t drown out the small voice inside of me saying “Do something.” It’s a voice I have been hearing more and more lately. So I will. And so should you.