“In a remote island village of 1,200 people in Indonesia, a man hooks a notebook computer to a satellite connection and sends a Bible translation in his native Yawa language to a consultant sitting in her home office in Arlington, Texas.
In a Nigerian city of a nearly a million people, a couple working with translation missionaries posts baby pictures on their Facebookpage and talk by Skype to the wife’s parents back in Deltona.
To the nearly 6,000 translators, linguists and educators who work for the Orlando-based Wycliffe Bible Translators in 90 countries, social media and new communications technology has compressed the time it takes to translate a Bible from 12 years on average to seven, said Bob Creson, CEO of Wycliffe, the world’s largest Bible-translation organization.”
Read the rest of the article here.
(via Orlando Sentinel via WBT)