World AIDS Day

Some links about World AIDS Day:

Jesus Has AIDS

“Just reading that in the type in front of you probably has some of you angry. Let me help you see why that is, and, in so doing, why caring for those with AIDS is part of the gospel mandate given to us in the Great Commission.”

Ed Stetzer on World AIDS Day

“The fight against AIDS is more than an educational or moral issue. It’s a Christian issue.  Yet, since AIDS is primarily spread through sexual contact, it has led to awkward conversations– or no conversation at all. That’s a mistake.”

What do HIV/Aids Education and Bible Translation have to do with each other?

“Kande’s Story tells about a girl whose parents die of HIV/AIDS, leaving her to raise five siblings. As they face struggles, the people in their community—especially the local church—help them survive, learn how to prevent HIV/AIDS, and care for others affected by the disease.”

Getting to Zero

“World Vision’s 2011 World AIDS Day global theme is “Getting to Zero — Zero New Infections; Zero Discrimination; and Zero AIDS-related Deaths.” It’s an ambitious goal. But we at World Vision see this as a hopeful rallying cry, motivating us to remain true to our commitment to fight the HIV and AIDS pandemic.”